Autor: Ana Carvalho Melo
Between 2009 and 2019, two out of ten farms in the Azores ceased its activity, according to preliminary data from the 2019 Agricultural Census (AC 2019).
According to the document now released by the Regional Statistics Office of the Azores (SREA), 10,610 agricultural holdings were registered in 2019, 2 931 fewer than in 2009. These figures mean that, in ten years, two out of ten holdings ceased their activity.
The abandonment of agricultural activity happening since 2009 has occurred mainly with small producers, as the number of farms with more than 20 hectares has actually increased, reveals SREA, adding that, consequently, about 18% of farms with more than 20 hectares now manage more than 72% of the total agricultural area in use.
This survey also analyzed the evolution of the number of holdings per agricultural area in use, which shows that there has been a sharp reduction in small holdings with less than 1 hectare of agricultural area in use, There was also a reduction in units with 1 to 5 hectares and 5 to 20 hectares although not so significant. In units with 20 to 50 hectares there were no significant changes.
On the other hand, regarding units with 50 hectares or more of agricultural area in use, there is an increase of around 23% in the number of holdings.
In parallel with the number of farms, the agricultural area in use has also undergone a significant reduction in classes up to 1 hectare, 1 to 5 hectares and 5 to 20 hectares (39%, 13% and 14% respectively).
Similarly, there were no significant changes regarding the number of holdings in units with 20 to 50 hectares, and the increase in the agricultural area in use was only 4%. In units with more than 50 hectares of agricultural area in use, the increase was about 18%.
The data now released show that the average size of farms with less than 1 hectare increased when compared to 2009, while remained stable for dimensions 1 to 5 hectares, 5 to 20 hectares and 20 to 50 hectares, and decreasing in size of more than 50 hectares of agricultural area in use.
Increase in permanent crops and arable land
The 2019 AC data show that there were no significant changes in the agricultural area in use, with a slight increase, however, in permanent crops and arable land to the detriment of pastures.
The 2019 Agricultural Census was held between October 2019 and November 2020 by the Regional Statistics Office of the Azores. This work had as reference period for crops and labor the agricultural year 2018/2019, starting on November 1, 2018 and ending on October 31, 2019.